




Prof. Dr. Li-Jiuan Chen-Rabich, LL.M

  — is currently director of Graduate Institute of European Studies and director of Center for European Union Studies.

  — was awarded Jean Monnet Chair on European Trade Law from 2015 to 2018.


Preface ..................................................................................................iii

1. CSR in the EU’s Financial Market Law
Li-Jiuan Chen-Rabich............................................................................................ 1

2. Toward Open Shareholders’ Meetings
Maki Saito.............................................................................................................. 7

3. CSR and Data Protection: Recent Development in Taiwan
Lung-Sheng Chen, Hsiang-Yang Hsieh................................................................ 21

4. CSR vs “Business and Human Rights” Approach with Some Experiences in Korea
Sang-Soo Lee........................................................................................................ 33

5. Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Enterprises: A Comparative Study between Taiwan and the United Kingdom
Ta-Wei Kuo.......................................................................................................... 59

6. On Policy Guideline and Corporate Social Responsibility through Financial Tsunami: The Case of Taiwan
Hsin-Chang Lu.................................................................................................... 83

7. Driving Corporate Social Responsibility through the European Corporate Law: An Overview of Consumer Protection
Yen-Te Wu.......................................................................................................... 107

8. Corporate Social Responsibility and International Trade: The EU’s Trade Policy and Trade Agreements
Takao Suami....................................................................................................... 143

9. Comparative Analysis of Trade-Labour Linkage in FTAs of the US and EU
Yoo-Duk Kang, Bomin Ko................................................................................. 163

10. Personal Information Protection and Management: Taiwan’s Perspectives
Po-Yu Su............................................................................................................. 201

11. Introduction on Policies to Promote the Development of Social Innovation Enterprises in Taiwan
Shu-Chun Liao................................................................................................... 211

12. Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Grune Wirtschaft : Entwicklung und Ergebnisse im Bereich des Energiesektor
Wilson Hong...................................................................................................... 229


  It is an honor to take place the third-year Jean Monnet Chair conference at Tamkang University in Taipei.

  The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a comprehensive content. CSR has become a widespread topic in business and public discussion. CSR covers interests of companies, consumers and stakeholders. Responsibility aspects have already been integrated into the strategic management in many companies.

  First of all, thanks to the EU’s cofounding for this international conference. CSR is currently a global issue. The EU has actively engaged in the CSR since 1995 not only through its reform of the company
law and financial market law, but also through raising awareness and understanding of CSR among stakeholders and the general public.

  CSR has become a more important issue after the global financial crisis in 2008. The EU published a new policy on CSR in 2011. Enterprises have to behave themselves to integrate social, environmental, ethical and human rights concerns into their business operations and core strategy in close collaboration with their stakeholders in order to fully meet their social responsibility.

  The German legal system is a model of the continental legal system and has a great influence in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The interaction between the EU and Germany is increasingly close due to the Germany’s membership and the loyalty to the EU. The EU’s CSR has an indirect influence on the three countries by the linkage with the German legal system.

  It is a great pleasure and honorable to have the opportunity of sharing the CSR practices from Japan, Korea and Taiwan. There are seven papers related to the CSR practice in Japan, Korea and Taiwan under aspects of corporation law, labor protection and consumer protection.

  The EU plays a global actor for a long time. Trade is an important instrument for global governance and implementing the European value.

  The EU has an exclusive competence for the common trade policy. The EU has recently concluded comprehensive free trade agreements with most trade partners. This type of free trade agreement is so-called new generation trade agreement. The new generation trade agreement also includes CSR value. Another five papers will be presented CSR under the aspect of the global governance.


  • ISBN:9789869607131
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:平裝 / 249頁 / 15 x 23 x 1.25 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> > >



在中國的傳統觀裡面,覺得人一定要結婚生子,因為不孝有三,無後為大。在沒有計劃生育以前,每個家庭最少都是3.4個孩子,有的還有10多個的。有的家庭生那麼多是為了拼一個兒子,也有真心喜歡孩子的家庭。 在有經濟條件的情況下,孩子多,人丁興旺,家裡熱鬧,當然是好的。但是生孩子這件事情對於女生來說,真的是一點也不容易。從懷胎10個月開始,女性身體就承受著超負荷,原本纖細的「腰」沒有了,臉變形了,腳腫了,到了後期因為肚子很大,每天都睡不好。順產更是骨裂十指,就算是剖腹也是開10層肚。不得不說媽媽的偉大。 ...... 14歲成為超模,被富豪10億娶回家,生下4胎的明星,你們還記得嗎? 說到徐子淇大家一定不陌生,14歲的她因為長相出眾,身材完美,就成為一名超模,獲得了「人間尤物」的稱號。所以追求她的人,自然是大排長隆,都說明星都有豪門夢,徐子淇就是其實幸運的一位,李家誠花費了10億,把她娶了回家。 都說「母憑子貴」徐子淇結婚以後,開始漫長的生子之路,8年的時間裡面,她生了2個兒子,2個女兒。基本上就是平均2年就生一個孩子。這個生孩子的速度,大家也是為她捏一把漢,感嘆到,豪門的媳婦也不好當。 不過人家畢竟是豪門,生多一點孩子,也沒有負擔。一家6口也是相當的幸福。更重要的是,徐子淇,並沒有因為連續生孩子,就身材變形。生完4個孩子的她依舊,身材年輕貌美,前凸後翹的,一點都沒有歲月的痕跡。不禁讓人羨慕。 ...... 女性不間斷的頻繁生孩子,會造成什麼影響? 1 沒有給身體休息,恢復的時間, 人的身體承受能力也是有限的,從懷孕到生孩子的過程中,消耗了女性大部分的力量和體力。身體是需要一段時間好好的休息和調理的。如果沒有讓身體休息和調理,就又繼續懷孕,這樣對女性來說傷害是很大的,而且女性也很容易因為這樣患上疾病。 2會導致女孩子身材走樣,加快衰老 很大生完孩子的女性,身材都容易走樣變形,加上平常帶孩子,就沒有打理自己,人看起來也明顯老了好幾歲。很大時候,生過孩子的人,一眼就能看得出來。原本青春無敵的少女,生完以後,也很可能就變成中年婦女。所以如果連續不斷一直生孩子,沒有給身體恢復的時間,那身材就更難恢復了。 ...... 生完孩子以後,女性怎麼做產後修復 1.可以做一些產後修復 「孕媽」生完孩子以後,也做一些產後的修復,比如盆骨的修復,產後塑形,產後盆底肌調理,產後骨盆修復,子宮復舊等,可以選擇好的醫院做一些產後修復的項目。 ... 2.飲食合理搭配 因為懷孕期間,很的女性都胖了很多,所以生完孩子以後,可以從飲食方面開始調理。搭配合理的飲食。既有營養,又少由。多吃一些含有維生素多的水果,蔬菜,採用少吃多餐的形式,。然後再配合一些運動,最好是每天固定時間,堅持運動,把身上多餘的脂肪減掉。 希望每個女性在成為媽媽的同時,也不要忘記了原本的自己。不能因為成為媽媽以後,就變得懶散,不珍惜自己的身體。想要愛別人,就要先學會愛自己。希望每個女性都能珍惜和愛護自己的身體。










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